
When improved UI is better than no UI

Stefan Klocek wrote a great post challenging the often-repeated idea that “the best UI is no UI.” From Should you ditch your interface?:

For any particular interface in the system, ask:

  1. Does the user want or need control?
  2. Does the user get value from doing the work themselves?
  3. Does the user outperform technology?

If you can answer “no” to every one of these questions, then put in the effort to eliminate the interface. If you answer “yes” to any one of these you should focus on improving the interface so that it supports the user better. If it’s not unanimously “yes” or “no” carefully consider how design can meet the conflicting needs. Get to know your users well. Design a solution that’s as sophisticated and nuanced as their situation calls for.

Stefan goes into great detail on each of those questions, so the post is well worth your time.